We all know that Sean Slater is a hardcore soldier whose personality quirks are due to war horrors, but is that really an excuse to stand with his arms half a foot away from his sides as if he was Action Man?
I could make a tasteless "gripping hands" joke here, but I can't quite get to it.
Oh, please. Don't get me started. And now, as of Friday, we've got Sean having done who-knows-what to what's-his-face (if S. is Action Man, surely the little Wicks boy is Gumby?) AND the other little Wicks boy having done who-knows-what to Ian Beale, and both of them are glaring maniacally at their victims' mobile phones? Surely the storyline team hasn;t completely lost the ability to think of storylines? Or is it part of the BBC cutbacks: only one storyline at a time from now on...
I know - watching is something of a chore at the moment I have to say. It feels like the Deano/Chelsea set-up storyline has been going on for years as opposed to just months...and just what has Children of the Corn Wicks done with Beale? Maybe Chips ate him - that dog's got more screen time in the last two weeks than ever before.
Children of the Corn Wicks - I like it...
Well, the sad thing is that I'll be tuning in tomorrow anyway.
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